🧾 Making offline Cardano transactions
🧾 Making offline Cardano transactions
While there are tools to make offline transactions on Ethereum, I’ve failed to find any comprehensive solution for Cardano. This post contains the instructions on creating an offline Cardano wallet and signing Cardano transactions offline with the help of command-line tools.
⬅ Note the interactive table of contents on the left.
📟 Hardware vs offline wallets
First, a few notes on hardware wallets.
An obvious alternative to storing private keys to your wallet on an online PC is to use a hardware wallet like Trezor or Ledger. Even though they technically are connected to the online PC when making transactions, they still serve as a kind-of-offline storage for cryptocurrencies.
However, despite being marketed as near-impenetrable and thus being surprisingly popular, they do have issues. Both generic and Cardano-specific.
🌩 Glitching
As has been shown many times over the past years, hardware wallets can be glitched, and all private keys can be extracted. Dmitry Nedospasov even has a training on glitching the Trezor One wallet.
Attacking a hardware wallet via glitching does require physical access to the wallet. So if you don’t worry about misplacing yours, this issue doesn’t affect you. However, should it happen your wallet gets lost or stolen, a knowledgeable attacker will get access to your funds.
Arguably, you could use a hardware wallet for making a single transaction when required, and then wipe the device. However, this requires putting trust into the wiping procedure. As an amusing alternative, you could dispose of the wallet after use. Altough then you’ll need a get a new one every time.
Being vulnerabile to glitching is a generic issue hardware wallets have regardless of the used cryptocurrency.
However, when it comes to Cardano, there’s another problem that makes hardware wallets less desirable.
🗝 Cardano key derivation
Unfortunately, both Trezor (for 24-word seeds) and Ledger have botched their key derivation schemes for Cardano. Thus, wallet addresses generated by these hardware wallets are different from ones generated by software wallets like Daedalus, Yoroi, or AdaLite, which follow the Icarus scheme.
You can still generate a Cardano wallet address on a hardware wallet, but then you’ll be stuck with using that particular wallet brand. That is unless you implement a matching derivation scheme yourself, either in another hardware wallet or in userspace software.
🔌 Offline wallet
Both issues aren’t terrible, but their existence makes me like the idea of using an offline wallet. That is to store the private keys on a PC that’s not connected to any network, and sign transactions there.
In the case of using an offline PC instead of a hardware wallet, an attacker with physical access will need to break the disk encryption to recover the keys. This shifts the trust requirement from the faulty “secure” hardware chips to the encryption software that you use.
As for the issue with key derivation, as long as you use the software that follows the Icarus scheme like the official Cardano command-line tools, you’ll be fine.
🏗 Generating a wallet address
Let’s start with generating a Cardano wallet address on an offline PC. Here, I assume that you already have a BIP-39 seed phrase and would like to use it to generate the address.
The instructions are based on the cardano-address
documentation and a related tutorial.
Note. A single typo while following these instructions can render your funds unrecoverable. Also, the instructions can be just wrong, in case I have messed something up. Verify and test everything yourself.
🍱 Requirements
Offline PC. Used to generate a Cardano wallet address from the seed phrase. Needs:
- Seed phrase in
, cardano-address
installed: download online and transfer to the offline PC.
To make the snippets more compact, I assume:
export CA=./cardano-address
📋 Process
All of the instructions are executed on the offline PC.
⚫ On offline PC
Have your seed phrase ready:
$ cat seed.txt
tiger pelican pencil label adult figure grid goddess proof visual order worry fox ordinary define flash dust impulse broken crew morning ketchup grab valve
1. Generate the root private key root.xsk
$ cat seed.txt | $CA key from-recovery-phrase Shelley > root.xsk
$ cat root.xsk
Check out CIP 5 if you’re wondering about the xsk
file extension.
2. Construct the extended private key addr.xsk
$ cat root.xsk | $CA key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 > addr.xsk
$ cat addr.xsk
This is the private key that controlls the wallet that corresponds to the full 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0
BIP-44 derivation path.
3. Generate the payment address payment.addr
$ cat addr.xsk | $CA key public --with-chain-code | $CA address payment --network-tag mainnet > payment.addr
$ cat payment.addr
That’s basically it, the payment address is the wallet address.
However, if you put the same seed phase into AdaLite or Yoroi, you’ll notice that the wallet address generated by them is different. The reason is that besides the payment part, these wallets also include the delegation part into the address. This second part allows staking your ADA.
Let’s extend the wallet address with the delegation part to make sure it matches the address generated by the mentioned wallets.
4. Generate a stake verification key stake.xvk
$ cat root.xsk | $CA key child 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 | $CA key public --with-chain-code > stake.xvk
$ cat stake.xvk
5. Generate a delegated payment address payment-delegated.addr
$ cat payment.addr | $CA address delegation $(cat stake.xvk) > payment-delegated.addr
$ cat payment-delegated.addr
This is the wallet address extended with the stake verification key. Note how its first part is similar to the wallet address without the delegation part. Note how the prefix is different.
This address matches the one generated by AdaLite and Yoroi. Note that it doesn’t match the address generated by Trezor nor by Ledger, as explained above.
I’ll be referring to the generated wallet address as to wallet.addr
for the rest of the instructions.
Use payment-delegated.addr
as wallet.addr
if you’re planning to stake your ADA.
Now, you can copy the wallet address to an online PC, transfer funds to this address, and you’ll have an offline cold storage.
✉ Making a transaction
Let’s assume you have transferred some funds to the wallet. Now, how do you access them without exposing the seed phrase or the private keys to an online PC?
Let’s see with an example.
I deposited 10 ADA to the wallet address wallet.addr
generated above.
Now, let’s transfer 3 ADA to another address dest.addr
🥘 Requirements
Online PC. Used to generate and submit the transaction. Needs:
- Offline-generated wallet address
, - Destination wallet address
, - Synced and running
: follow the instructions; syncing takes hours.
Once the syncing is completed, get a shell in the container running cardano-node
docker run -it --entrypoint bash -e NETWORK=mainnet \
-e CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=/ipc/node.socket \
-v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data \
export CLI=cardano-cli
Offline PC. Used to sign the transaction. Needs:
- Extended private key
that corresponds towallet.addr
, cardano-cli
installed: download online and transfer to the offline PC.
export CLI=./cardano-cli
📋 Process
The instructions roughly follow the Create Simple Transaction tutorial but split into the online and the offline parts.
🟢 On online PC
1. Fetch the protocol parameters protocol.json
$ $CLI query protocol-parameters --mainnet --out-file protocol.json
$ cat protocol.json
"maxValueSize": 5000,
"minUTxOValue": null,
2. Find out the hash and the index of the UTxO to spend:
$ $CLI query utxo --mainnet --address addr1qxptzvmwgpt4lwghez5qnp6xv2wfxrsy72mzj0vzy74fnavjwf5glr8e3qzldsgy330rpsd6gu79ufuxrdnwwwxx5wnqq7s6yp
TxHash TxIx Amount
fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696 1 10000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone
This UTxO corresponds to the 10 ADA I deposited into the wallet.
3. Generate a draft transaction tx.draft
$ $CLI transaction build-raw \
--tx-in fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696#1 \
--tx-out $(cat dest.addr)+0 \
--tx-out $(cat wallet.addr)+0 \
--fee 0 --invalid-hereafter 0 --out-file tx.draft
$ cat tx.draft
"type": "TxBodyAlonzo",
"description": "",
"cborHex": "86a60081825820fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696010d800182825839019b83cb4a967fa114c59e1630930574134c16361c6249567ef6b649079272688f8cf98805f6c1048c5e30c1ba473c5e27861b66e738c6a3a6008258390182b1336e40575fb917c8a8098746629c930e04f2b6293d8227aa99f59272688f8cf98805f6c1048c5e30c1ba473c5e27861b66e738c6a3a600020003000e809fff8080f5f6"
The transaction is intended to spend the single UTxO corresponding to wallet.addr
, transfer a part of it to dest.addr
, and return the rest back to wallet.addr
« | For --tx-in we use the following syntax: TxHash#TxIx where TxHash is the transaction hash and TxIx is the index; for --tx-out we use: TxOut+Lovelace where TxOut is the hex encoded address followed by the amount in Lovelace. For the transaction draft --tx-out , --invalid-hereafter and --fee can be set to zero. |
Create Simple Transaction |
4. Calculate the transaction fee:
$ $CLI transaction calculate-min-fee \
--tx-body-file tx.draft \
--tx-in-count 1 --tx-out-count 2 \
--witness-count 1 --byron-witness-count 0 \
--mainnet --protocol-params-file protocol.json
176589 Lovelace
5. Calculate the change to send back to wallet.addr
$ expr 10000000 - 3000000 - 176589
is the 10 ADA UTxO, 3000000
is the 3 ADA to be sent to dest.addr
, and 176589
is the previously calculated fee.
The leftover 6823411
is to be sent back to wallet.addr
6. Determine the TTL.
TTL stands for Time to Live — the slot number deadline for the transaction to be picked up by one of the validators.
« | To build the transaction we need to specify the TTL (Time to live), this is the slot height limit for our transaction to be included in a block, if it is not in a block by that slot the transaction will be cancelled. So TTL = slot + N slots. Where N is the amount of slots you want to add to give the transaction a window to be included in a block. |
Create Simple Transaction |
$ $CLI query tip --mainnet
"era": "Alonzo",
"syncProgress": "100.00",
"hash": "4bfb85613286ec08015230c5c0a76e640ec37d45392269c35ca63ce8c0d4f548",
"epoch": 326,
"slot": 55735121,
"block": 6997593
Here you see the number for the last processed slot, which is 55735121
You can try to monitor the rate with which this number increases and estimate the desirable TTL.
I added 2000
to the current slot number.
7. Build the transaction tx.raw
$ $CLI transaction build-raw \
--tx-in fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696#1 \
--tx-out $(cat dest.addr)+3000000 \
--tx-out $(cat wallet.addr)+6823411 \
--fee 176589 --invalid-hereafter 55737121 --out-file tx.raw
$ cat tx.raw
"type": "TxBodyAlonzo",
"description": "",
"cborHex": "86a60081825820fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696010d800182825839019b83cb4a967fa114c59e1630930574134c16361c6249567ef6b649079272688f8cf98805f6c1048c5e30c1ba473c5e27861b66e738c6a3a61a002dc6c08258390182b1336e40575fb917c8a8098746629c930e04f2b6293d8227aa99f59272688f8cf98805f6c1048c5e30c1ba473c5e27861b66e738c6a3a61a00681df3021a0002b1cd031a03527b210e809fff8080f5f6"
8. Transfer tx.raw
to the offline PC.
⚫ On offline PC
9. Generate the extended signing key addr.skey
$ $CLI key convert-cardano-address-key --shelley-payment-key \
--signing-key-file addr.xsk --out-file addr.skey
$ cat addr.skey
cat addr.skey
"type": "PaymentExtendedSigningKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
"description": "",
"cborHex": "5880e0a9c15070be2bf51396a3cf6c54245061c60f0dd3c8b124e603cbbd56e9454c447e0d41ea7f8e3075e38b34ad10748302d652b03a5041411716401b20f3285187be7788076481f7e300b5d241f8c3c3cb05a6cf2e4cce9d646097c4e5f585798e81ab68651851a4e4de1cc65bbc72b17d288c948d042e8c1b3de7ef617f9081"
For whatever reason, cardano-cli
doesn’t accept the extended private key addr.xsk
for signing transactions and requires the extended signing key addr.skey
10. Sign the transaction to obtain tx.signed
$ $CLI transaction sign --mainnet --signing-key-file addr.skey \
--tx-body-file tx.raw --out-file tx.signed
$ cat tx.signed
"type": "Tx AlonzoEra",
"description": "",
"cborHex": "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"
11. Transfer tx.signed
to the online PC.
🟢 On online PC
12. Inspect the transaction and verify the parameters:
$ $CLI transaction view --tx-file tx.signed
fee: 176589 Lovelace
- fb6bcbeaa3fb9c978a0e9b4ab3f9e1d9ab0a5b9b1184e523e5d5f2a7ccfd0696#1
- address: addr1qxdc8j62jel6z9x9nctrpyc9wsf5c93kr33yj4n776myjpujwf5glr8e3qzldsgy330rpsd6gu79ufuxrdnwwwxx5wnqcnyalv
address era: Shelley
lovelace: 3000000
- address: addr1qxptzvmwgpt4lwghez5qnp6xv2wfxrsy72mzj0vzy74fnavjwf5glr8e3qzldsgy330rpsd6gu79ufuxrdnwwwxx5wnqq7s6yp
address era: Shelley
lovelace: 6823411
13. Submit the transaction:
$ $CLI transaction submit --mainnet --tx-file tx.signed
Transaction successfully submitted.
That’s it!
The transaction is submitted.
Now you need to wait until one of the validators picks it up.
For me, this took about 5 minutes.
Once that happened, 3 ADA appeared in the dest.addr
While you are waiting, monitor the slot numbers either on Cardano Explorer or via $CLI query tip --mainnet
If the slot numbers go higher than the number you specified in --invalid-hereafter
— transaction hasn’t been picked up.
Try again, possibly, with a larger TTL.
Tip. If you get an error during the transaction submission, try googling the error code. Possibly, you didn’t fully spend all UTxOs. Also, if a UTxO you want to spend contains a token, you have to spend the token too. Meaning that you have to specify this token in one of the transaction outputs.
You can also delegate your ADA from an offline PC. Maybe I’ll extend the instructions in the future.
🛠 Exercise
I have left a few ADA in a wallet derived from the seed phrase used in this article. Feel free to claim this ADA as an exercise. Hint: try playing around with BIP-44 address indexes. Have fun!
Update. The ADA has been claimed!
💜 Thank you for reading!
🐱 About me
I’m a security researcher and a software engineer focusing on the Linux kernel.
I contributed to several security-related Linux kernel subsystems and tools, including KASAN — a fast dynamic bug detector, syzkaller — a production-grade kernel fuzzer, and Arm Memory Tagging Extension — an exploit mitigation. I also wrote a few Linux kernel exploits for the bugs I found.
Occasionally, I’m having fun with hardware hacking, teaching, and other random stuff.
Follow me @andreyknvl on X, @xairy@infosec.exchange on Mastodon, or @xairy on LinkedIn for notifications about new articles, talks, and training sessions.